Streamline the Tedious Tasks Associated with Annual Reviews

PerformYard allows HR to build customized, easy annual review cycles with a rich feature set to accommodate the needs of any organization.

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Trust Radius
4.5 out of 5 stars
“Love the flexibility and adaptability of the PerformYard platform. We've used it for several rounds of annual reviews, and everything has hit the mark on our expectations."

Manuel V. | Founder. | Marketing & Advertising

Streamline Your Process

PerformYard streamlines your annual review process by centralizing all goals and review data. HR can create custom review forms, schedule performance cycles, and automatically notify employees of outstanding tasks.

Get Actionable Data

See how an employee’s reviews and goals stack up against the previous year's review cycles, how a team’s performance compares to the previous year, and how the entire company is performing relative to the previous year's goals.

See Everything at Once

With PerformYard, annual reviews are a culmination of a year-long process to create goals, track progress, and collect feedback. The centralized platform creates a natural feedback loop that makes annual reviews more effective.

Get a Demo of Annual Reviews
Quickly see PerformYard Annual Reviews in action and get your questions answered by our product experts.