85 Employee Engagement Survey Questions for 2025

Employee engagement surveys provide insights into how connected and motivated employees feel. By collecting feedback, organizations can address issues before they escalate, enhancing both employee satisfaction and productivity. Surveys also cultivate communication between employees and management, contributing to a healthier workplace culture.

However, it can be difficult to come up with the right employee engagement survey questions.  They need to balance being specific enough to gather actionable insights while remaining broad enough to capture diverse perspectives. They must be carefully worded to avoid bias, ensuring employees feel comfortable sharing honest feedback. Finally, they should align with both organizational goals and employee concerns, which can be tricky to predict or fully understand.

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To help you develop your own questions, we have curated a list of 85 different employee engagement survey questions.

Most should be formatted as a Likert Scale, with options that range from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.”

We have also provided a handful of open-ended questions that don’t need to follow this approach. 

Let’s dive in.

General Employee Engagement Questions

These questions are useful for general or overarching information about how employees view an organization. These help capture the overall “vibe” of your current organization and culture.

  1. I am satisfied with my current role and responsibilities.
  2. I feel recognized and appreciated for the work I do.
  3. I understand the company's goals and objectives.
  4. My opinions are valued by my manager and team.
  5. I have the resources and tools necessary to do my job effectively.
  6. Leadership communicates important company updates.
  7. I have opportunities for growth and development within the company.
  8. I am satisfied with my work-life balance.
  9. I feel a sense of purpose in my work.
  10. I would recommend this company as a great place to work.

Job Satisfaction Questions

It is hard to be invested in anything if you are not satisfied with what you are doing. These questions aim to see if employees feel that they are accomplished and satisfied with what they do. 

  1. I am satisfied with my overall job experience at this company.
  2. My job provides me with a sense of accomplishment.
  3. I feel motivated and enthusiastic about my daily work.
  4. I am satisfied with the level of challenge and variety in my role.
  5. I feel my contributions are valued by the organization.

Professional Clarity Questions

Clear communication is essential in any workplace. These questions are designed to evaluate whether employees fully understand their roles and responsibilities. This ensures that communication barriers are minimized and work can be completed efficiently. 

  1. I have a clear understanding of my roles and responsibilities.
  2. My job expectations are well-defined and communicated by my manager.
  3. I know how my role contributes to the success of the team and organization.
  4. I understand how my performance is measured and evaluated.
  5. I receive sufficient guidance and direction to perform my job effectively.

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Job Autonomy Questions

Autonomy at work can lead to greater job satisfaction and productivity. These questions assess the degree to which employees feel empowered to make decisions and manage their tasks independently.

  1. I have the freedom to decide how to approach my tasks.
  2. I feel empowered to make decisions in my role.
  3. I have enough control over my work to be effective.
  4. My level of autonomy positively impacts my job satisfaction.
  5. I have the flexibility to manage my workload in a way that works best for me.

Company Culture Questions

A positive and inclusive company culture is key to employee engagement and retention. These questions explore how employees perceive the organizational culture. This includes the company’s values, behaviors, and atmosphere that define their work environment.

  1. I feel a strong sense of belonging within the company.
  2. The company fosters a collaborative and inclusive work environment.
  3. Company values and mission are reflected in daily work practices.
  4. I trust the leadership team to make decisions that align with the company’s values.
  5. The company encourages open communication and transparency at all levels.

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Professional Growth and Development Questions

Opportunities for growth and development are crucial for long-term employee engagement. These questions help gauge whether employees feel supported in their career progression and whether the company provides adequate resources for skill development.

  1. I have access to the training and development resources I need to grow in my role.
  2. There are clear career progression opportunities within the company.
  3. My manager supports my professional growth and development.
  4. I receive regular feedback that helps me improve and develop my skills.
  5. I feel encouraged to pursue new learning opportunities and expand my expertise.

Manager Support Questions

Strong support from management is essential for employee success. These questions examine how employees view their managers in terms of communication, guidance, and overall support, helping to identify areas where leadership could improve.

  1. My manager provides the support I need to succeed in my role.
  2. My manager communicates expectations and goals.
  3. I feel comfortable approaching my manager with questions or concerns.
  4. My manager offers constructive feedback that helps me improve my performance.
  5. I trust my manager to make decisions that are in the best interest of the team.

Workload Questions

A manageable workload is vital for maintaining productivity and reducing stress. These questions evaluate whether employees feel their workload is reasonable and conducive to maintaining work-life balance.

  1. I feel that my workload is manageable.
  2. I have enough time to complete my tasks effectively.
  3. The distribution of work within my team is fair and balanced.
  4. I rarely feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I have.
  5. I can maintain a healthy work-life balance given my current workload.

Compensation and Recognition Questions

Fair compensation and regular recognition are key drivers of employee satisfaction. These questions assess how employees feel about their pay and how often they receive recognition for their work, both monetary and non-monetary. 

  1. I feel adequately compensated for the work I do.
  2. The company’s compensation structure is fair and transparent.
  3. I regularly receive recognition for my contributions and achievements.
  4. My manager acknowledges my efforts and accomplishments.
  5. Non-monetary recognition (e.g., praise, awards) is a regular part of the company’s culture.

Meaningful Work Questions

Engagement increases when employees feel their work has a purpose. These questions focus on whether employees find their tasks meaningful and if they feel their efforts contribute to the company’s larger goals.

  1. I find my work to be meaningful and fulfilling.
  2. The tasks I perform contribute to the overall success of the company.
  3. I understand how my role supports the company’s mission and goals.
  4. I feel a sense of purpose in the work I do every day.
  5. My work makes a positive impact on others within the company or community.

Diversity and Inclusion Questions

A diverse and inclusive workplace fosters innovation and belonging. These questions evaluate how employees perceive the company's commitment to diversity and inclusion, as well as their sense of belonging within the organization.

  1. The company values diversity and fosters an inclusive work environment.
  2. I feel respected and valued regardless of my background or identity.
  3. Different perspectives and ideas are encouraged and respected in this organization.
  4. The company actively promotes diversity in hiring and career advancement.
  5. I feel a sense of belonging within my team, regardless of my characteristics or background.
  6. Leadership demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion in their actions and decisions.
  7. I believe that people from all backgrounds have equal opportunities to succeed here.

Work-life Balance and Remote Work Questions

Work-life balance is crucial for employee well-being, especially in remote work settings. These questions assess whether employees feel they have sufficient flexibility to balance personal and professional responsibilities, and if remote work policies meet their needs.

  1. I can maintain a healthy balance between my work and personal life.
  2. The company provides flexibility that supports my work-life balance.
  3. I am satisfied with the options available for remote work or flexible scheduling.
  4. Remote work policies allow me to be productive without compromising my well-being.
  5. I feel supported by my manager in balancing my personal and professional responsibilities.
  6. The company offers sufficient resources to help me manage remote work challenges (e.g., technology and communication tools).
  7. My work location (remote or in-office) does not negatively impact my ability to collaborate with my team.

Psychological Wellbeing and Support Questions

These questions are some of the most important in the list. Mental health support is increasingly recognized as vital in the workplace. These questions explore whether employees feel supported in managing their mental health and whether the company offers resources to promote psychological well-being.

  1. I feel comfortable discussing mental health concerns at work if needed.
  2. The company offers resources or programs to help manage stress and promote well-being.
  3. Work-related stress is manageable and does not negatively impact my mental health.
  4. I feel that my psychological wellness is a priority within the organization.
  5. I am aware of the mental health resources and support services available to me.
  6. I feel safe and supported when expressing my emotions or stress levels at work.

Open Ended Questions

Close-ended questions are great for data and discovering trends. However, you can learn even more from employees if they write out what they feel. Open-ended questions are so important to the review process for this reason. 

  1. What aspects of your role do you find most fulfilling, and why?
  2. Can you describe a time when you felt particularly valued at work? What contributed to that feeling?
  3. What improvements would you suggest to enhance communication between leadership and employees?
  4. What changes, if any, would help you maintain a better work-life balance?
  5. How do you feel about the opportunities for career growth and development within the company?
  6. In what ways could the company better support your mental health and well-being?
  7. What could your manager or team do to better support you in your current role?
  8. How do you feel the company could improve its diversity and inclusion efforts?
  9. What are some specific ways the company could better recognize your contributions?
  10. How can the company better align your work with its mission and values to help you feel more connected to the organization’s goals?

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Additional Survey Considerations

What Does a Good Survey Question Look Like?

To create effective survey questions, clarity, and relevance are key. Questions should be specific, straightforward, and aligned with the aspects of engagement you want to measure. Open-ended questions can encourage detailed feedback, while closed-ended questions using Likert scales can provide quantitative data for analysis. Also, avoid leading questions or overly complex wording. 

How Often Should Surveys Be Distributed?

Employee engagement surveys can vary in frequency. Most organizations benefit from doing them at least once or twice a year. A common approach is to distribute an annual comprehensive survey complemented by shorter pulse surveys throughout the year. Pulse surveys, which focus on a few key areas, can be sent quarterly or biannually to track changes and maintain a continuous dialogue with employees.

Are Surveys Effective?

Employee engagement surveys can be highly effective when used correctly, but their success largely depends on how the data is utilized. Surveys alone won't improve engagement, but they start the process to do so. They should be part of a larger strategy that includes analyzing the results, sharing findings with the workforce, and implementing meaningful changes based on feedback.

To drive real impact, employees must feel confident that their input is valued and that the organization will act on the issues raised. Regular follow-up, clear communication, and a commitment to improvement are key to making employee engagement surveys effective. When employees see that their feedback leads to tangible improvements, participation and trust in the process will increase, enhancing the overall effectiveness of future surveys.

What’s the Best Survey Technology?

Employee engagement systems, such as PerformYard, are ideal. They allow managers and HR teams to easily create, distribute, and analyze surveys tailored to the organization’s specific needs. Yet, they also integrate survey feedback into broader performance reviews and engagement strategies. This helps your organization create a continuous cycle of improvement that enhances employee well-being, satisfaction, and overall workplace culture.

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